Personal Injury Claims
Have you or a loved one been injured or killed as a result of the negligence of another? If so, you need the help of a Houston Personal Injury Attorney who is experienced in handling serious personal injury cases. The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is experienced in handling all types of accidents. We will fight to recover the maximum amount the law allows.
If you or a family member has been the victim of someone else’s negligence, protect your legal rights and contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. immediately for a free consultation regarding your potential claim.

Tire Defect/Tire Blowout Cases
Automobile accidents can occur any time. However, they may not be the due to any particular driver’s negligence. In recent years, tire blowouts, and other types of tire defects, have been the cause of many serious car accidents. Often times these accidents result in catastrophic injury or death. If you, or a family member, have been injured in a car wreck, and you believe that a defective tire, or tire blowout, was the cause, you may be entitled to recover money damages from the tire’s manufacturer. The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is a Houston Personal Injury Law Firm that prides itself on handling all types litigation, including product defect claims associated with car tire blowouts.
Contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. now for a free personal injury case evaluation today. You will be put in contact with a Houston personal injury attorney experienced in the representation of those injured by unreasonably dangerous and defective products.

Industrial and Workplace Accidents
Industrial and workplace accidents can occur at any time. Even for employees who do not work in high-risk fields such as construction, transportation or manufacturing, an industrial or workplace accident may occur at the office or when an employee is carrying out the duties associated with his or her job. Falls, construction accidents, auto accidents and industrial accidents in chemical plants and refineries are all examples of potential workplace and industrial accidents. If you are injured on the job, you may need a Houston accident attorney. The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is a Houston Personal Injury Law Firm that prides itself on handling all types of work-related accident claims in Houston and throughout Texas.
Having the opportunity to recover financial damages for a workplace or industrial accident is important. When you consider that a work accident may leave you with serious medical bills and a future that involves missed work, decreased income and increased expenses, recovering the highest amount of financial compensation may have a considerable impact on your ability to recover and move on – not just physically and financially but emotionally as well.
Contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. for a free personal injury case evaluation today. You will be put in contact with a Houston personal injury attorney experienced in the representation of those injured in workplace and industrial accidents.

Refinery and Chemical Plant Explosions and Fires
Byron Buchanan has been representing workers who have suffered personal injuries in refinery accidents, chemical plant accidents and fires and explosions since 1996. Having worked in a Houston refinery as an operator for more than 10 years before attending law school, Byron has a unique perspective which allows him to understand complex issues related to the operation of refineries and chemical plants and, in turn, maximize his client’s recovery for their personal injuries. If you have been injured in a chemical plant or refinery accident, fire or explosion, you may need a Houston accident attorney. Byron is a Houston Personal Injury Attorney known among his peers for his skill in representing clients who have been injured in refinery and chemical plant accidents. Contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. today for a free consultation concerning your refinery or chemical plant injury.

Trucking Accidents
Have you or a loved one injured or killed in a trucking accident as a result of a negligent truck driver? If so, you need the help of a Houston Personal Injury Attorney who is experienced in handling personal injury cases resulting from trucking accidents and can fight for your legal rights. The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is experienced in handling all types of truck accidents including big rig accidents, 18 wheeler truck accidents, tractor trailer truck accidents and semi-truck accidents. We will fight to recover the maximum amount the law allows.
If you’ve been in a vehicle collision with a large commercial truck,you may need a Houston accident attorney. We may be able to help you recover compensation for all costs associated with your personal injury case, including vehicle damage, medical bills, physical therapy, chiropractic care, lost wages and other expenses related to the accident.
If you or a family member has been the victim of a wrongful death or suffered personal injuries in a trucking accident as a result of a negligent driver or trucking company, protect your legal rights and contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. immediately for a free consultation regarding your trucking accident personal injury claim.

Wrongful Death Claims
Do you have a wrongful death claim? When an individual dies due to the negligence, malpractice, or inaction of another person, the family of the victim may be able file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible party. Though nothing can bring loved ones back, holding the negligent person or party accountable for their wrongful actions can provide some measure of solace. If you have a loved one who has been killed as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may need a Houston accident attorney. If you need a Houston Personal Injury Attorney for your wrongful death claim, contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. today.

Drug and Pharmaceutical Injury Claims
If you or someone you care about has suffered a personal injury or wrongful death as a result of a defective drug or has had to endure the anguish of a child born with birth defects after taking prescription drugs, you may need a drug injury lawyer. Your initial consultation is free, and we will handle your inquiry with the utmost level of care and professionalism. If you believe you have a personal injury claim related to the products listed below, do not delay, contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. today. While Byron Buchanan is a Houston Personal Injury Attorney, our firm handles pharmaceutical and drug defect cases nationwide.

Car Accidents
If you are recovering from personal injuries suffered as a result of a car accident, you may be out of work, causing you to deplete your savings to cope with expenses related to the accident. You might also have pain from the car wreck that requires medical attention or physical therapy. If you were not responsible for the car accident, you shouldn’t be responsible for paying the costs that are related to it. If you have been injured in a a car wreck or auto accident, you may need a Houston accident attorney. If you are the victim of a car wreck due to the negligence of the other driver, and have suffered personal injuries, you may need a Houston Personal Injury Attorney. Contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. today for a free case evaluation.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists
The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is experienced in seeking compensation for you from a responsible party for personal injury damages suffered as a result of a car accident. However, the firm is also experienced in exploring options with your own insurance company–especially if the responsible party did not have insurance, or failed to carry coverage to adequately compensate you for your personal injury damages. If the absence of adequate insurance coverage leaves you with unpaid medical bills and lost wages, or fails to compensate you for your pain and suffering due to a car accident, contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. today and receive a free consultation from a Houston Personal Injury Attorney.

Drunk Driving Accidents
The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is experienced in representing clients injured in serious personal injury and wrongful death cases, including accidents caused by drunk drivers. The firm has experience in litigation, trial and settlement of serious cases and accidents caused by drunk drivers. If you are the victim of a drunk driver, you may have claims against that driver, his or her employer or the bar, store or restaurant who served the driver for your personal injuries. This type of litigation is known commonly as Dram Shop liability.
The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is currently accepting cases involving accidents caused by drunk drivers. These kinds of accidents can and often do result in serious personal injury or wrongful death, shattering the lives of their victims. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious personal injury or wrongful death as the result of a drunk driver, then we invite you to contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. today for a free case evaluation with a Houston Personal Injury attorney.

Workers Compensation
The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is experienced in guiding clients through their Texas Workers Compensation claims. If you have suffered personal injuries while at work, you may be entitled to Texas Workers Compensation benefits. In some cases, Texas Workers Compensation is the only remedy available to workers who have been injured on the job. However, if you were injured on the job as a result of the negligence of an entity who is not your employer, or by an individual working for another company, you may be entitled to compensation for your personal injuries in addition to your Texas Workers Compensation benefits. Additionally, if you were injured at work due to the negligence of your employer, and your employer does not carry Texas Workers Compensation insurance, you are permitted by law to bring a personal injury claim against your employer. Employers who do not carry Texas Workers Compensation insurance are called Non-Subscribers under the law. The firm is currently accepting cases involving on the job injuries that involve Texas Workers Compensation as well as those against Non-Subscribers. If you or a loved one has been injured at work, or simply need an answer to your Texas Workers Compensation questions, you are invited to contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. today for a free case evaluation with a Houston Personal Injury Attorney.

Eminent Domain and Condemnation Proceedings
The taking of a citizen’s private property by the government, or someone acting on behalf of the government, against the will of the owner sounds like something that should not be permitted. However, it happens all the time. The ability to take property against the will of the owner lies in the government’s power of Eminent Domain, and is accomplished by a process known as condemnation. The condemnation process involves hearings before special commissioners and, at times, litigation. This can be an overwhelming process for a landowner to navigate alone.
The Buchanan Law Office, P.C., will help through the process of determining the value of the land being taken, as well as the remaining land. If you have received a notice that all or a portion of your property may be taken pursuant to the doctrine of Eminent Domain, or a request for entry onto your property for the purpose of performing an appraisal by the government or its agent, contact us today so that the firm can determine whether help you obtain the maximum value for your property.

Unpaid Overtime Pay
The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. is experienced in representing claims for unpaid overtime owed as a result of violations of federal and state law. If you have been denied overtime pay, or feel you should have been paid for overtime, or simply need an answer to your overtime pay questions, you are invited to contact The Buchanan Law Office, P.C. today for a free case evaluation with a Texas Overtime Pay Attorney.